There are quite a lot of ways to communicate in this technologically advanced world. Texting, phone calls, Twitter and many other avenues can connect you directly to your clients. Yet none are as effective as a fax. Secure faxing certainly still has its place in the world, with multiple different sectors relying on it every day to securely send documents all over the globe.
That being said, many people out there don’t really know the ins and outs of utilizing a fax’s full potential. So, to help your business take advantage of all faxing has to offer, we’ve put together this list of three tips for modern-day secure faxing online such as cloud & FoIP:
1. Use a cover sheet
Regardless of what technology you use to move documents around in the modern business world, you need to come off as professional. Although you can certainly sound professional when sending someone an email, this kind of document transfer simply doesn’t leave any sort of impression with the recipient. People receive too many emails to be impressed by them anymore.
Secure faxes, on the other hand, have the distinct advantage of being able to put out a cover sheet along with whatever document you happen to be sending. This allows you to give a great first impression of your company to your fax’s recipient while also giving important information such as your name, business address and phone number.

You could put in the effort to create a cover sheet specific to your company – and it would probably leave a lasting impact on whoever you’re sending a fax to – but this takes a lot of time. Thankfully, the designers over at have already done the job for you, creating a wide range of cover sheets to fit just about any document you would want to send.
2. Find a good spot for your machine
Due to stringent compliance standards from laws like HIPAA and Sarbanes-Oxley, the information contained within the average faxed document is generally extremely confidential. Even if you don’t work within a sector that must follow these guidelines, having a fax read by a third party is still troubling to say the least.
“Faxes are a lot more secure than email.”
While faxes are a lot more secure than email, the physical document is still readable to anyone passing by the machine. Although this again harkens back to the necessity of a cover letter – you need to literally cover some documents – it also means that the positioning of your fax machine is vital to the secrecy of your company’s private information.
When figuring out where to put your device, you first need to make sure it isn’t in an area that would be easily spied by visitors to your building. Businesses often have people come in who work outside the company, and having your machine in a common area could easily jeopardize sensitive documents.
That being said, you also can’t hide your machine in an area where no one will check on it. This is the surest way to miss out on important correspondence. Therefore, your modern business technology should be located in an area populated by a good number of employees, and yet far away from a place where visitors might be able to read private documents. Every building’s setup is different, and as such, you’ll have to find the perfect spot on your own. Just make sure to be mindful when doing so.
3. Invest in FoIP
Although faxing certainly isn’t dead, it’s gotten a serious upgrade in the past few years. Computer-based faxing has really taken off recently, with Research and Markets predicting that the market will be worth $455 million in 2017. Fax over IP has taken the business sector by storm, and for good reason too.
Cloud-based faxing just makes sense for many businesses that still rely on secure faxing as a means to send and receive documents. It combines the convenience and speed of email with the compliance standards and heavy security that faxing offers.
Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their ‘Partly-Cloudy’ fax solutions.