Earth Day is April 22 and it is the perfect chance to start a paperless lifestyle. By taking advantage of mobile devices and online services like paperless fax, people could use this Earth Day celebration to kick their paper addiction and help make the world a greener place.
1. Sort through old papers
Odds are, most people are holding onto papers they no longer need. In a standard office there are probably heaps of obsolete documents, needless copies, pointless doodles and any number of other piles of paper lying about. Not only are these old printouts and worksheets taking up space, but they could be recycled and put to better use.
An individual looking to develop good paperless habits should first go through his or her old documents and remove whatever is unnecessary. Scan any important papers and recycle the physical copy. Hold on to really crucial documentation, but a person probably doesn't need a physical copy of last year's school menus.
If at the end of the sorting process an individual were to find he or she owned hundreds of important documents that couldn't possibly be parted with, there are services that provide affordable mass scanning solutions. The fear of hours besides a scanner shouldn't prevent turning over a new leaf.
New technological solutions have become mother nature’s best friend, by allowing you to go paperless in the office with fax.
2. Junk the mail and cut out the coupons
According to, more than 100 million trees are chopped down for junk mail each year. Not only are those unwanted mailbox stuffers annoying, but the average adult receives 41 pounds of junk mail each year and a good deal of it goes straight to the trash.
The solution could be as easy as just unsubscribing from promotional offers. If someone were afraid of missing out on promotions and coupons received through the mail, just register to receive them online.
To prevent unnecessary mail, a person could sign up for an online mail sorter. There are sites that offer the service of intercepting an individual's mail, scanning it and sending the electronic copies. Important document could then be forwarded and the rest would be properly recycled.

3. Bank on online banking
The days of keeping money under the mattress are over. While most people have a bank account, not everyone is taking advantage of all the paperless solutions their bank can provide. A bank account can set up to accept direct deposit for checks, instant bill pay and the depositor can opt for an online statement.
There are also alternatives to paper checks. Many banking institutions allow customers to scan checks with their phones and send it as needed. Banking apps allow the account holder to transfer funds among other bank members without ever having to get out a pen. New technological solutions have become Mother Nature's best friends.
4. Cloud computing for documents big and small
Online emails and memos have been used for quite some time but now organizations are looking for electronic solutions to larger documents. Cloud computing systems allow companies to share documents between employees and other offices without ever having to get papers passed around. The cloud is not only easier and more efficient, but it is better for the environment than mass stacks of papers that have to be copied over and over again.
A school could make use of the same technology too. There are simple to use document sharing programs that could be utilized by any computer. Schools don't have to send out important papers with students (who have a habit of losing them anyway) and it can really help institutions reduce costs.
5. Get rid of the clunky machines
Faxing is an essential practice for government offices, educational facilities and health care. There are online alternatives to passing official documentation and one of which is called fax over Internet protocol. This online tool allows a company or individual to send a fax from the computer.
By using these online services, an office not only removes the necessity for paper, but also the energy, ink and constant repair it takes to keep a physical fax machine running. It's an all around smart practice to making sure an office is running as green as possible this Earth Day.
Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.