Anyone working in the business world today knows how popular cloud computing has become, but a new report from research firm IDC reveals that the technology is showing no signs of slowing down anytime soon.
According to the report, spending on public cloud infrastructure will increase by 25 percent this year, reaching $21 billion as companies continue to take advantage of managed service providers like Amazon and Google. Spending on private cloud resources also appears to be growing, increasing 16 percent in 2015 to reach $12 billion. Overall, the global total for cloud spending this year will rise 28 percent to reach $32 billion.
"33% of all 2015 IT infrastructure spending is dedicated to cloud resources."
Cloud computing appears to be earning a larger foothold in the enterprise overall, with 33 percent of all IT infrastructure spending this year dedicated to cloud resources. The IDC study forecasts a steep rise in enterprise cloud spending over the next few years, with $52 billion – 45 percent of total IT infrastructure spending – dedicated to cloud systems by 2019.
"The pace of adoption of cloud-based platforms will not abate for quite some time, resulting in cloud IT infrastructure expansion continuing to outpace the growth of the overall IT infrastructure market for the foreseeable future," said Kuba Stolarski, research manager for server, virtualization and workload at IDC. "As the market evolves into deploying third-platform solutions and developing next-gen software, organizations of all types and sizes will discover that traditional approaches to IT management will increasingly fall short of the simplicity, flexibility and extensibility requirements that form the core of cloud solutions."

Cloud's ease-of-use earning popularity
The simplicity and flexibility that Stolarski mentioned as drivers for cloud adoption are also necessary in the programs and services they use within those cloud platforms. A good example of this is fax-over-IP, a cloud-based fax solution that allows users to send messages quickly and securely from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Unlike traditional faxes that require offices to maintain costly separate fax lines, FoIP systems utilize the Internet connections already in place. FoIP uses the Internet to send messages and utilizes the cloud for storage. The best part of using a cloud faxing solution is that all of the benefits of the cloud are available when faxing. The main use for a FoIP system is communication, but it can also help businesses create an archive of records that have been sent and received through the service. The files are available through a company's cloud portal, increasing enterprise mobility, security and collaboration.
Any messages sent with a FoIP service can be sent to an email address for easy accessibility. Documents can also be received from any cloud-enabled printer, making the process as convenient as email but more secure and reliable. FoIP service providers like FaxCore maintain dedicated servers for each client so businesses don't have to worry about managing their own network or the hassle that comes along with it.
Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.