When people want to emphasize the strides that have been made by technology and the way it has impacted how people connect with one another, they often point to the fax machine as an outdated method of communication that no one would ever dream of using today.
"30-40% of restaurants want Web orders delivered to them by fax."
Despite the shortcomings of old school faxing, there are many industries that still rely on the technology for its reliability and security. Insurance companies, health care organizations, lawyers and restaurants all still consistently turning to faxing to get their jobs done. In fact, so many restaurants rely on faxes to take orders that OrderSnapp, a firm that helps restaurants process online orders, estimates that between 30 and 40 percent of its clients specifically want Web orders delivered to them by fax.
"Faxing has been there for so long, and they're so used to it," said OrderSnapp president Ron Resnick. "It doesn't cost them anything extra. It's still a very good success rate with it, as far as them going through."

Updating a communication standby
But even the technology's most hardcore followers have to admit the fax has seen better days. So many are now turning to an alternative that brings the technology into the 21st century: Fax-over-IP. FoIP is a cloud-based faxing option that offers the same reliability and security as traditional faxes but with the convenience, speed and mobility of the cloud. Online fax services like FaxCore blend traditional fax technology with newer, mobile-centric business practices. They offer an ideal alternative to landline faxing for a variety of reasons, including cost, security and flexibility.
Because fax over IP services use the Internet to send messages instead of a dedicated fax line, there is no need to pay for a separate phone line for the fax machine. Documents can be sent over the same Internet connection already being utilized by a business, and existing fax machines can be made FoIP-capable with a FaxScan device from FaxCore.
Unlike email or other online communication channels, faxes can't be easily hacked into. FaxCore takes this one step further with its etherFax service, which transmits documents to a secure data center to be processed before being sent to the intended recipient. The data processed by FaxCore is only ever stored on a company's personalized server, and creates an archived database of documents that can be searched through later. FaxCore uses an encryption algorithm created by experts at the National Security Agency to ensure the highest levels of protection and privacy for its fax over IP services.
Using the Internet to send faxes allows users to receive a fax from anywhere they could receive an email, such as their smartphones or tablets. With so many employees working remotely these days, being able to get a fax when not near the fax machine greatly improves the mobility and flexibility of the workforce.
As companies continue to modernize their IT infrastructure, some industries feel left behind as they rely on technology that was previously unable to be updated. Implementing FoIP ensures that a business maintains their competitive advantage and doesn't get left behind.
Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.