When it comes to technology, schools should be eager to take pages out of enterprise playbooks. There has been a massive shift regarding business IT over the last few years, and many of the powerful tools being used in companies around the world have just as much place in education. This is especially true when it comes to the cloud.
"The cloud has already proven what it is capable of in the enterprise, and now it's time to take those lessons and apply them in education."
"The K-12 education cloud market has matured, and many IT professionals are demanding more than just Cloud 101," stated CDW in a recent report about cloud adoption. "They've already passed that course and are ready for a deeper dive into the world of cloud, covering details of migration, financial outcomes and barriers to further adoption."
Schools need to examine their current practices and identify points of weakness in their workflows. It is possible to improve on a number of different tasks by adding cloud to the equation.
Removing barriers
Unfortunately, getting to class is not always possible. Some families live farther away from the school than others, and a bad storm can make it difficult for lessons to even occur. Illness can also keep students away from their studies. But with the cloud, it is possible for students to get a hold of any missed work – or prevent it from being missed in the first place.
Students and teachers are not the only ones that can benefit from the cloud. Administrators have a significant number of important tasks to accomplish in order to keep schools running. Enabling them though the cloud makes their jobs easier and more convenient to perform – something that can have a powerful effect on the overall success of the organization.

Playing by the rules
Unfortunately, not everyone learns about the cloud before implementing it. According to Education Week contributors Michelle Davis and Sean Cavanagh, some people are worried that there is a lack of consideration regarding the differences between cloud technology and its more traditional predecessors – whatever they may be.
"So long as the proper steps are taken, cloud-based assets can be incredibly valuable to schools."
"Concerns about the protection of private student data have risen across the country in recent months, with parents and advocacy groups having complained that policymakers are doing too little to ensure that private data gathered via technology are kept secure," Davis and Cavanagh wrote.
The thing about using the cloud in schools is that solutions have to be compliant in the same ways as the tools that came before them. A great example of this is faxing. The fax is still an essential channel, but the hardware that has commonly been used to facilitate it is ready to be phased out. Cloud-based faxing systems provided by FaxCore can help educational facilities to stay out of trouble with the law while embracing modern assets.

The importance of cloud for education
There are some incredible advantages that come with implementing more technology in schools. The cloud has already proven what it is capable of in the enterprise, and now it is time to take those lessons and apply them in education. So long as the proper steps are taken, cloud-based assets can be incredibly valuable to schools.
Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.