Many current industries are still relying on legacy fax systems in order to transfer sensitive information. While these machines certainly perform their tasks, they aren’t exactly perfect. Years of technological innovation have pretty much left legacy fax hardware in the dust, and yet many organizations still cling to them. Wouldn’t it be great if there was something better, something that could improve these systems?
Well, now there is. Fax over IP allows organizations using old fax machines to keep the hardware they’re used to, while adding amenities on top of them. FoIP was developed with the limitations of older systems in mind, with the goal being to eliminate these wherever possible.
To that end, let’s take a look at how FoIP works, and what a business administrator might expect to get out of a FoIP upgrade:
Increased productivity
It would seem some people have a misconception that big expenditures are the largest drain on a company’s resources. Sure, completely revamping an office’s decor may be expensive, but those who commissioned the work expected to have to pay a big price tag. The real budget killers are the little inconveniences administrators shrug off.
One of these is time wasted sitting at a fax machine, either trying to get it to work or waiting to receive that mission-critical document. It’s not that 10 minutes is a big drain in and of itself. It’s the 30 different employees wasting 10 minutes each week sitting at the machine that ends up costing the company money.
This is called opportunity cost, a business term that refers to the money wasted on an activity when an employee could have been working on something else. Those 10 minutes at the fax machine could have been used to call a client or get started on a new project, activities that directly make the company money. Instead, it’s wasted time that actually costs more in the long run.
FoIP services cut down on opportunity cost by allowing workers to send and receive faxes like they would an email. This cuts down on time spent away from the computer, thereby keeping a solid level of productivity.

Another big benefit administrators can expect from FoIP services is that it’s one of the most reliable forms of communication. The FaxCore FoIP system is particularly reliable due in part to its Total Fax Tracking system. This means that any fax sent through the system, both incoming and outgoing, is followed during the entirety of its transmission.
Users will be given a confirmation when the fax has arrived at its destination, as well as a specific delivery time. This is especially helpful because it doesn’t afford any confusion as to when the fax was sent. Legacy fax machines simply print the page and allow it to sit, meaning the document could have been sent at any time. FoIP allows for a higher level of precision and accuracy when a transmission is time sensitive. What’s more, FaxCore’s FoIP system also has an alert if a fax cannot be delivered, allowing senders to work out another form of communication.
“65 percent of business leaders believe they will be the victim of a cyberattack.”
Better security for your documents
Although FoIP obviously has many benefits, security is where it reigns supreme. A recent study by KPMG found that 94 percent of companies think that cybercrime is a big risk for businesses operating today. What’s more, risk mitigation firm NTT Com Security found that 65 percent of business leaders believe they will be the victim of a cyberattack in the future.
Clearly, security is an area that companies need to be concerned about. Due to the fact that FoIP communications are encrypted, documents sent over this form of communication are incredibly safe. Hackers aren’t able to intercept them in the same way that unencrypted emails can, thereby making FoIP one of the safest avenues of record transfer out there.
FoIP is one of those amazing technologies where all of its benefits can’t be contained in a single article. Administrators looking into this service can expect quite a lot of bang for their buck, as FoIP is far superior to legacy fax machines and multiple other forms of communication.
Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their ‘Partly-Cloudy’ fax solutions.