Cloud assets good for more than saving money

By implementing cloud-based faxing, it is possible to enable remote connectivity and simplified protocol.

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One of the biggest reasons that companies turn to the cloud has to do with the savings it can provide. Hosted clouds take a lot of the costs out of daily operations, meaning that less money is spent handling things like repairs and maintenance.

But according to Microsoft's Sanjau Manchanda, the cloud is much more than a financial asset – it's also an incredible operational advantage.

"Customers are already thinking about how cloud computing can make their businesses more competitive," Manchanda said to Business Standard contributor Rohit Nautiyal. "Debunking traditional perceptions about looking at cloud as just something one can use to cut costs by achieving economies of scale, clients are now interested in knowing how this technology can bring down their reaction time to market changes and innovate faster to bring new products and services to their customers."

Cloud assets help to streamline daily operations in significant ways. One of the most powerful ways to leverage the cloud is in relation to faxing. Faxing is still a viable and required technology, even if the hardware supporting it has seen better days. But by implementing cloud-based faxing, it is possible to enable remote connectivity and simplified protocol.

Cloud-based fax is the apex of innovation
Fax technology is at an interesting crossroads. On one hand, it's still a legal requirement in many industries. On the other, it's not naturally mobile. This is where the cloud can come in handy. Cloud-based faxing allows for professionals to send and receive faxes from anywhere they have an Internet connection. This is the kind of innovation that is indicative of cloud technology.

"A hidden gem in cloud computing is the ability to provide developers, tech entrepreneurs and avid technologists with easy access to resources that would normally require huge investments in software and servers," wrote Federal Times contributor Jane Snowdon. "Using a pay-as-you-go model, developers can now access a broad portfolio of middleware and services, and build sophisticated apps that can transform industries and, in the case of the public sector, transform citizen engagement."

Businesses need to start getting serious about cloud-based faxing. Fax machines are no longer considered the best way to transmit these messages. As such, it will be important to invest in modern fax solutions.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.

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