Cloud fax helps to create a paperless office

Cloud fax is one of the best ways to simultaneously work toward becoming a paperless office and streamline operations in a modern way.

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There are many ways in which to leverage the cloud and paperless faxing in modern enterprise. According to Tech Cocktail contributor Rick Delgado, this technology has a great equalizing power that helps smaller companies compete with larger organizations.

"The cloud delivers software on tap providing the capability to rapidly build and deploy applications in order to compete with rival enterprises," Delgado wrote. "As the cloud grows, better technology and faster response times will be available, making it easier for industries to get what they want whenever they want it. Small businesses will be able to see enterprise level applications made available, taking their operations to the next level."

One of the ways in which an office can evolve through the use of the cloud has to do with carbon footprints. Going paperless is a common initiative these days, one that is inherently assisted by the cloud. Thanks to its readily-available and digital nature, paper output can be greatly diminished, if not totally eliminated. Cloud technology takes many common practices and leverages them through cyberspace. 

Interestingly, this is how fax services are beginning to enjoy a second wave of popularity. Faxing is still mandated by law in many instances due to its strong encryptions. Sending sensitive information via email may be convenient, but it is considered to be in poor judgment. People are still prone to do it, however. This is because convenience often trumps best practices when faced with a task in the moment. 

The solution to this is to provide a cloud-based fax solution that replicates the mobility of email without the associated risks. By putting fax capabilities in the cloud, organizations can improve productivity and security simultaneously while also reducing paper waste generated on a daily basis. 

Traditional faxing not cut out for modern filing methods
Almost everything these days is done on computers, especially when it comes to storing and cataloging data. This is bad news for legacy fax machines, which still rely on paper transmissions to operate. The process generally goes something like this:

  1. Sender prints out document
  2. Sender scans document into fax and sends
  3. Recipient receives fax
  4. Recipient scans fax into different computer system for filing

Not only is this an incredible waste of paper in the modern day, but the process also assumes that steps are followed to the letter every time a fax is transmitted. Recipients of these missives may allow a stack of paper to accrue on their desks over time because they don't want to deal with the hassle in the moment. This can cause things to go missing or records to be incomplete, and can amount to a lot of paper usage with little guarantee of payoff. 

This is where the cloud comes in. Cloud-based faxing allows for fax machines to exist as software-defined assets. Even if the other party is using traditional faxing equipment, they can still send and receive messages with a cloud fax solution. This is a great way for businesses to save time, money and the environment without skimping on security precautions. The only other platform that is as readily-mobile as cloud fax is email, which has proven time and again to be too easily exploited and hacked into. Faxing has always been more secure – even if it hasn't always been the most convenient choice. The cloud changes all that.

"Putting the cloud to work can help small businesses step up their game and use big software, making them more competitive, scalable, and ready to automate and decentralize IT," Delgado stated. "Small businesses no longer have to feel like they don't have what it takes to compete with their larger competitors."

Adapting effective solutions for convenience
Workers these days need to be enabled on their mobile devices. Fax machines have always lacked something in the way of portability, and email barely qualifies as a secure connection in an enterprise setting. On top of all this, businesses need to save money and reduce their impact on the planet. The best way to address all of these concerns is to bring in a cloud-based fax solution. Cloud fax is one of the best ways to simultaneously work toward becoming a paperless office system and streamline operations in a modern way.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.

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