Email can be more of a hindrance than a help

One way in which to cut down on email use in business is to make better use of faxing capabilities.

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No matter what some people would like to believe, email is a flawed channel. The openness of its connection – in which anyone can send anyone a message – makes it inefficient and unsafe for extensive use in enterprise setting. Users often have to weed through an extensive amount of messages – many of which could have little if anything to do with the company, let alone an employee's specific set of tasks.

According to Fast Company, an entrepreneur named Claire Barge found that emails were becoming a hindrance to her productivity – specifically in that she was only able to work effectively for 23 percent of her day. Often, this could be linked back to the encumbering nature of company email.

"Burge realized that there were three different types of email she was receiving through the day: task-related, push notifications (just "FYI" sorts of emails that required no action), and collaborative messages," wrote The Muse of Burge's investigation. "All of these messages, she concluded, could be communicated through other means."

One way in which to cut down on email use in business is to make better use of online fax solutions. While the medium's segregation from other modes of communication has led some to believe that the technology is dead, faxing has actually – like voice, for instance – become reborn in the cloud. By seeking out email alternatives like online fax solutions, enterprises can restructure their missives to be more efficiently sent and delivered.

Advantages to cloud-based fax
There are a certain set of features that can be unlocked by placing fax in the cloud. For one, it enables the kind of mobility that the modern workforce craves. It can be hard to find a fax machine these days, and for those employees who occasionally work out of the house, they might not even have one. Yet, their responsibilities require them to be around one in certain instances. Rather than expect remote staff members to purchase their own fax machine, consider the cloud.

Cloud-based faxing can keep messages moving even when employees are traveling. By using software-defined interfaces and – in appropriate cases – email, faxes can be forwarded not only to physical machines, but to digital endpoints. This is not only more efficient, but it is actually a safer way to conduct business.

Email use fraught with danger
For as much is transmitted through email, not a lot of it is very stable. Not only can messages be intercepted and their attachments stolen, but email databases can be easily hacked by many criminal actors. On top of all this, scams are par for the course when email is involved. From the old "Nigerian prince" routine to other more sophisticated campaigns that have popped up recently, email can open the doors to a bevy of illegal activity directed at or through a company infrastructure.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' online fax solutions.

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