Enhance enterprise VoIP systems with fax-over-IP

FoIP can be used with the same service connection as VoIP and allows a company's faxing capabilities to be integrated into a centralized messaging platform.

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With the increased use of mobile technology and the growing trend of telecommuting, many companies are switching from traditional wired technologies to those that can accommodate more mobility.

Recently, software company Software Advice surveyed more than 350 small- and medium-sized enterprises in an attempt to determine the driving forces behind their adoption of new business communication systems, as well as problems they had encountered while using other forms of communication for work. The report found that SMEs are making a notable shift toward the adoption of voice-over-IP technology, making the switch from mobile and landline systems.

Of those not currently using a VoIP system, 31 percent still relied on landline phones and 13 percent exclusively used mobile phones to communicate for business. The report discovered that 77 percent of respondents were interested in implementing a hosted solution, recognizing the benefits of the cloud.

More than half of the prospective buyers surveyed were looking to implement a VoIP upgrade system for the first time, and the companies were primarily concerned with finding services that offered reliability and scalability. A common requirement was the ability to accommodate a company's growth, with 15 percent listing it as their top concern. The report also found that enterprises were more interested in having access to business communication staples like conferencing and fax than newer, more specialized applications.

Integrating fax into an office VoIP system
Luckily for companies interested in utilizing more traditional communication methods with their office VoIP system, there is fax-over-IP. Enterprise Fax Over IP can be used with the same service connection as VoIP and allows a company's faxing capabilities to be integrated into a centralized messaging platform with voicemails, instant messages and emails to create an integrated unified communications suite. 

A major benefit of FoIP is that providers like FaxCore offer services that grow with a company without straining the budget. FaxCore offers plans that fit an organization's needs and take care of all the maintenance and software upgrades themselves, leaving time for in-house staff to focus on more business critical operations. Just like VoIP,  fax-over-IP eliminates the need to pay for landlines, saving dramatically on costs. By utilizing the Internet to send messages, small businesses can offer global services and level the playing field with other, larger companies without having to worry about the bottom line.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.

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