Fax over IP combines speed with reliability to improve business

Many businesses have begun combining the reliability of traditional fax machines with modern technology and employing fax over IP services.

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As companies grow, many struggle to find a compromise between doing things quickly and remaining reliable, especially when it comes to sending and receiving important documents.

Scott Bergman is a real estate broker who specializes in selling large estate properties and vineyards, according to Business News Daily. For many of his clients, the land has been with the family for generations.

"These clients are not as comfortable with email or other 'tech' forms of sending documents," explained Bergman. "They are comfortable with faxes, though."

Many other industries still rely on faxes, especially highly regulated sectors like finance, law and healthcare. A fax is necessary to show proof of receipt, as well as for documents that are time-sensitive or require a signature. An email with a PDF attached often won't cut it when transactional documents, contracts, invoices, legal notices or patient records, are being sent.

"An email log is alterable and there are too many security issues with email and encryption that the file attachment can be compromised," industry expert Tim Dubes told Business News Daily. "Fax technology provides security and the 'least common denominator' factor that other document transmission methodologies don't offer."

Many businesses have begun combining traditional reliable fax machines with modern technology and employing fax over IP services. FoIP not only offers all of the qualities of traditional faxing, but it is extremely cost-effective. Documents are sent over the Internet, eliminating the need for a dedicated fax line. FoIP providers like FaxCore offer scalable services, so an enterprise only pays for what they need and can easily add service as the business grows.

Fax over IP’s speed also allows companies greater mobility, as faxes can be sent and received from anywhere with an Internet connection. Important business functions no longer need to wait because someone isn't in the office or the fax line is busy.

"Certainly faxing will continue to change, but the concept of transmitting a facsimile of an original document to facilitate a business procedure will endure," said Dubes.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.

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