Fax services do best in the cloud

Cloud-based fax enables companies to carry on in ways that best suit them while also taking advantage of present-day solutions.

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Modern businesses have a different set of demands than they did 20 or even 10 years ago, but they still have a need for many of the same channels. One of the platforms still heavily leveraged by organizations – especially those in the healthcare industry – is the fax machine. But as more connections are turned over to IP channels and placed in software-defined environments, fax machines stand alone. This creates complications in terms of communication and organization, among other things.

"Like most communications services, the cloud offers an alternative to having a dedicated fax machine in the office," wrote TMCnet contributor Mae Kowalke. "It now is possible to maintain a fax presence without having to actually maintain a fax. Instead, faxes are sent through a cloud service much the way that workers email today with the likes of Gmail, and faxes also can come in via the cloud—arriving in a worker's email inbox."

The best solution is – like voice – to take the concept of the fax machine and bring it into the cloud. Cloud-based faxing holds many advantages, including email capabilities and the elimination of paper clutter. Businesses that need to retain faxing capabilities should consider how the cloud can help streamline daily operations.

Faxing still has applications today
There are some people that believe faxing capabilities are irrelevant. But those who do must not actually work in offices. 

"Despite being an old technology, fax is still used by many companies due to its role in existing workflows and its ease of use," Kowalke wrote. "For anyone needing to get a signed document across town in less than 10 minutes, the solution is clear: Use a fax, even in 2014."

But mobility has complicated things a little bit. Because so many people are able to work on the go and choose to occasionally operate from their homes, the fax machines might not always be in reach. This is why online fax service has become so critical. Should a fax need to be sent to multiple parties – some unable to receive a fax – copies can be sent directly to the email of the employee on the road. This is also a great way to retain copies of the missive without having to file a physical copy.

Redefining fax machines
The fax will continue to play a role in enterprise, but it needs to be adapted for modern times. Workers need mobility and agility in order to be successful, and the cloud offers both of those things in great amounts. Cloud-based fax enables companies to carry on in ways that best suit them while also taking advantage of present-day solutions. It is time to move away from dedicated machines and experience true technological convergence. 

"While fax might not be the sexiest technology these days, there's also no reasons to overhaul businesses processes that still work," wrote Kowalke. "And when it comes to partners still using fax, it often isn't even possible to move away from fax even if it did make sense."

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their "Partly-Cloudy" fax solutions.

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