FoIP embraces best parts of the cloud

As an office makes the transition to the cloud, including a fax over IP service is the best way to ensure all business processes are streamlined and can grow together.

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Many offices are making the switch to cloud computing, and it seems there is no end to the technologies that are cloud-capable. One device that is sometimes overlooked in the transition is the fax machine. Many industries still rely on faxes to transmit documents and this basic business process can also be moved to the cloud with fax over IP.

FoIP allows faxes to be sent over the Internet, instead of a landline, and transmitted information is stored in the cloud. Cloud-compatible FoIP services enable businesses to use this trusted form of communication while embracing the best parts of the cloud.

Mobility: Fax over IP allows faxes to be sent and received through email, meaning they can be utilized from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Saves Time: FoIP services are maintained through a third-party provider, like FaxCore, which allows time spent troubleshooting and putting out fires to be better spent elsewhere.

Competitive Advantage: As with other cloud-capable applications, updates to FoIP service networks are automatic so companies can be sure they’re getting the most up-to-date service.

Collaborative: FoIP makes it simpler to send and receive documents, making communication and information sharing easier.

Globalized: Because fax over IP utilizes an Internet connection to send documents, it is easy and affordable to send faxes overseas, and because a fax can be sent directly to someone’s email account, there is no need to worry about time differences when sending documents.

Added Security: One of the biggest benefits of cloud-based technologies is the level of security, and FoIP is no exception. When faxes are sent, the content within is stored on secure servers with back end encryption measures to protect sensitive information. After a transmission is complete, all data contained within is destroyed so no one can wrongly gain acceinformation is stored on secure servers with back-end encryption measures to protect sensitivess.

Cost Effective: Services are offered at different levels of use, so businesses only pay for the amount they use, and it is easily scalable to grow with a company. There is also no need to continue paying for a dedicated fax line with FoIP, saving money on phone costs.

As an office makes the transition to the cloud, including a cloud-compatible fax over IP service is the best way to ensure all business processes are streamlined and can grow together.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their ‘Partly-Cloudy’ fax solutions.

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