Google breach illustrates inherent email weaknesses

By using fax in the cloud, organizations can leverage a valuable and secure channel without having to sacrifice on modern functionality.

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Email is a popular channel in enterprise communications. It facilitates the instant transmission of messages and documents, much like a fax machine does. But what sets email apart from fax is that it is based on inherently weak security measures. Email accounts, both personal and professional, are easily hacked by anyone who is able to guess at a password or obtain one through criminal means. In business settings, this can lead to catastrophic breaches of information.

Email weaknesses are something that Google has had to face on many occasions. Most recently, it was discovered that a Google data breach resulted in almost 5 million usernames and passwords had turned up on a Russian website – leading millions to change their credentials as a result. Given that Gmail is used for both personal and business email service, there is likely a great deal of sensitive data that has since been put at risk.

While email is unlikely to go away anytime soon, it is important that companies invest in a more secure option for the transmission of sensitive material. One such platform is fax. But just like other modes of communication, faxing has been a slave to siloed endpoints and lack of mobility. Thankfully, there are alternative options, like cloud-based faxing.

By using fax in the cloud, organizations can leverage a valuable and secure channel without having to sacrifice on modern functionality. The fax machine may seem to be falling by the wayside, but the technology behind it is still as relevant as ever. 

Age of mobility a major factor
Smartphones have taken their place as the crown jewel of enterprise tech. The kind of functionality that these devices can facilitate has been a major boon for productivity and innovation, helping to redefine both how and where work can be done. This is why email has proven to be so popular – it can be accessed from anywhere.

But another technology that makes physical proximity irrelevant is the cloud. The cloud took off as more people began using mobile devices, but consumer cloud services have the same issues that email does in that it can easily be hacked through the cracking of passwords. The encryptions that protect email accounts are often considered to be lax and untrustworthy. 

One channel that has long been more secure than email is faxing. This is so much so the case that industries like healthcare still require it by law. That being said, faxing is not a mobile-friendly connection. Not everyone has constant access to a fax machine, but by taking the whole process and putting it into a software-defined environment, faxes can be sent and received from anywhere with an Internet connection. Employees want convenience, and they will choose the channels that are the easiest to handle. It is important to provide one for workers so that they do not seek out inferior solutions like email when something like cloud-based fax is possible to obtain.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.

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