IP communications considered modern essentials

Companies need to take lessons from the major shift towards VoIP and do the same with their fax machines.

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The way that people communicate is changing. Rather than rely on landline phone service, for example, businesses are increasingly turning toward IP-based connections. Voice over IP, or VoIP, is becoming a popular way for companies to save money and enable their staffers to access the network remotely. Legacy systems are starting to dwindle in numbers.

"No matter what size your business may be, chances are if you're growing and expanding, then you've outgrown your phone system," wrote TMCnet contributor Laura Stotler. "You might not even be aware of it, but the limited capabilities of traditional legacy phone systems could very well be holding you back."

But this phenomenon is not exclusive to voice. Another channel – fax – is finding new life in the digital age. FoIP, or fax over IP, is considered to be a secure and effective way for organizations to send and receive faxes. Faxing is still required by law for many organizations, which means that finding new, modern ways to facilitate it are all the more important. The channel has clear use, and as such it's time to give it an upgrade.

Legacy fax can be a drag on business
The concept of faxing and the fax machine itself are not mutually exclusive concepts – just like voice and the landline telephone. Part of the problem faced by modern fax use is that there is a misunderstanding that fax technology has already peaked.

"When it comes to today's business office and technology, one of the most vexing areas is the fax machine, and all its attendant problems," stated TMCnet on its website. "Besides just keeping the machine stocked up and running, there are the issues of confidentiality, security and even something as basic as noise. No one wants to sit near a machine that's constantly clicking, whirring and spitting out paper. Add in the cost factor and you've got an expensive problem taking up valuable office real estate."

The solution is to move the channel to a new location – the data line. By investing in FoIP, organizations can fax from the Internet and trim the excess – time, money, space – that legacy fax solutions can create.

Significant savings
Unlike VoIP, many of the financial savings that result from online fax are  more visible. You know all of that paper and ink that had to be purchased in bulk for the specific purpose of faxing? That money is able to be redirected throughout the company, and can be leveraged in places where it is needed most. Paper-based messages are physically wasteful and can be major security risks. Physical loss is frequently found to occur and can have disastrous consequences.

It is increasingly important these days to be an IP-first company. Adding and maintaining landlines is not something that's done much anymore. Companies need to take lessons from the major shift towards VoIP and do the same with their fax machines.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.

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