Modern businesses must embrace mobility through the cloud

Companies need to invest in the services and assets that are going to foster innovation amongst their staff members. More often than not, this will include cloud fax.

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Enterprises today have a wealth of technological resources at their disposals. It is now possible to do an increasing amount of work from a growing number of locales – even an employee's kitchen table. This is thanks to the consumerization of IT – a term used to describe the phenomena surrounding the rapid evolution of things like smartphones and tablets.

One major development that has helped to untether employees from their desks is the cloud. Cloud technology allows a wide range of assets – data, software, etc. – to be leveraged remotely by anyone with an Internet connection and the proper credentials. According to Forbes contributor Robert LeBlanc, the cloud is a boon for organizations that are trying to extend their reach and improve operations.

"Cloud offers a platform for the kind of tech experimentation, rapid development and distribution that used to be the province of the IT department," LeBlanc wrote. "All of which means that at a time when corporate IT budgets are tied up in operations and maintenance, other business managers are turning to cloud computing to expand their businesses."

But this should not start and stop with opening cloud for use within a business. It takes an in-depth analysis of existing practices in order to determine how cloud-based solutions can significantly improve daily operations. This means considering aspects that might not readily jump to mind, including – but not limited to – fax solutions. 

Cloud-based fax updates medium for success
There are plenty of people out there who may believe that the fax machine is a long-dead technology. But just because channels like email have gained an enormous following does not mean that faxing has fallen by the wayside. In fact, there are many industries like healthcare where the secure nature of fax is still mandated.

Just because fax is still in use, however, does not mean it can't benefit from a makeover. Other platforms like voice have been successfully brought into the digital fold thanks to the cloud, and the same can be done with fax. Cloud-based faxing works on the same premise as it's analog predecessor, but with some modern perks.

Mobility is key in the present day, something that faxing in the cloud can handle in spades. Documents can be sent through this channel, received from traditional fax endpoints and vice versa. Because cloud faxing is performed on a computer or mobile touchscreen device, documents are accessed digitally and copies can be automatically saved by the sender. This means that users no longer have to be anywhere near a fax machine in order to perform fax-related responsibilities.

Online fax services also take email into consideration. While this platform is not always the best choice when sensitive transmissions are being made, the nature of mobility demands email acceptance. Some intended recipients may have fax machines or cloud services handy while others do not. With cloud fax, documents can get wherever they need to go without complication.

Mobility through cloud is essential
With so many enterprise employees possessing advanced IT tools and the skills needed to operate them, businesses are in a great position to succeed. But with this comes the need for companies to invest in the services and assets that are going to foster innovation amongst their staff members. More often than not, this will include cloud fax.

"Businesses need to adapt to this change brought about by mobility," wrote TMCnet contributor Mae Kowalke. "The cost of not evolving with the mobile revolution is lost business and even bankruptcy for many firms. Those that embrace mobility will innovate and win business, and those that ignore the trend will fail."

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.

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