Recent paperwork problems highlight benefits of online fax solutions

Automated services like email to fax can be of great help to many organizations, but they are not utilized frequently enough.

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Every day, processes are bungled or information is noted incorrectly due to continued reliance on paperwork and manual filing versus online cloud fax solutions. Automated services like email to fax can be of great help to many organizations facing paperwork issues, but as these examples show, they are not utilized frequently enough:

  • Construction crews in Ann Arbor, Michigan, have yet to complete work on one of the most pothole-ridden stretches of road in the city because a contractor failed to submit paperwork to state officials in time, The Ann Arbor News reported. If that same contractor had the ability to fax over the internet, then he would have been able to easily get that information over to the Michigan Department of Transportation in time and provide much-needed services to area motorists.
  • The status of a number of legal cases are now in the air after it turned out that a lab used by officials in Bexar County, Texas, made paperwork errors, according to Fox affiliate KABB. In particular, a lab employee was fired there for tampering with documentation. If that same lab had used cloud-based faxing, then officials would have retained copies of the original files, thus ensuring that even a rogue employee could not interfere with official matters.
  • A quality online cloud fax solution could have prevented a potential funding problem at one Massachusetts institution. According to the Worcester Business Journal, a state auditor found that the University of Massachusetts Medical School lacked sufficient records surrounding over $2 million paid out in bonuses to high-ranking employees there. Sufficient documentation is needed to prove that these bonuses are justified, and without these records the school may find itself in hot water. If the UMMS had online fax solutions, however, then officials would have a definite system of record to fall back upon when auditors come knocking.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.

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