Reduce the risk of malware by communicating with FoIP

While many companies know email can be a dangerous form of business communication, there has yet to be a better alternative - until now.

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Data breaches and cyberattacks are becoming an increasingly worrisome threat to businesses, with revenues, reputation and customer loyalty all being damaged after hackers target a network.

A new survey from TippingPoint, the network security arm of HP, looking at the main security concerns facing enterprise networks found that 85 percent of IT professionals are worried about the use of non-work-related applications and illicit filing sharing. Those worries seem to be well founded, as 69 percent of the more than 200 tech workers surveyed reported encountering a phishing scam at least once a week.

According to BetaNews, the security professionals surveyed reported that 70 percent of attacks threatening enterprise systems that originate from within the network came from a machine infected with malware. The study also found that more than 50 percent of attacks exploit software vulnerabilities and 60 percent of enterprise cyberattacks come from malware communicating with a command and control server.

When asked about the types of data that are most commonly targeted in cyberattacks, 67 percent reported customer records being the most sought after, followed by financial information, corporate intellectual property and employee data.

"Organizations are increasingly challenged to protect their networks from advanced targeted attacks, in fact, it is likely that most environments have already been breached with systems infected by malware," said HP vice president Frank Mong. "It's important that IT professionals understand how attackers are trying to break through the network, and have confidence in their ability to mitigate attacks when every second matters".

Increase security of business communication with FoIP
One of the most common ways for businesses to be infected with malware is by employees accidentally clicking on malicious links in emails. While many companies know email can be a dangerous form of business communication, there has yet to be a better alternative to reduce the risk of malware – until now.

Businesses interested in timely communication with increased security should implement a fax-over-IP solution. FoIP messages are sent over the Internet, sending faxes at a much quicker speed than traditional fax machines and making them comparable to the speed of email. Documents transmitted with FoIP are stored on an organization's private server and create a secure database protected with back-end encryption techniques. This cloud-based archive can be accessed from any Internet-connected device, enabling safe and easy file sharing to help accelerate business and reduce the risk of malware.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.

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