Top 3 reasons to implement a FoIP solution

Companies looking to cut costs, increase the mobility of employees and add security to business communications should implement a fax-over-IP solution and begin communicating in the modern world.

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For some offices, it seems that fax machines have become outdated. Problems with connectivity, paper jams, error messages and endless waiting caused companies to search for a more modern form of communication. While some found it in email, an increasing number have discovered an even more modern way to send messages: fax-over-IP.

FoIP service providers offer all the benefits of traditional faxing but removes potential headaches by routing traffic through an Internet connection instead of a phone line. Fax-over-IP has increased transmission reliability, better security and automatic document routing, and countless other positive aspects.While using FoIP for business communication has many benefits, below are the top three:

1) Cost-effective:
Because FoIP sends documents over the Internet, costs are dramatically reduced for office supplies like paper and ink. Phone bills are also greatly reduced, as sending a fax no longer requires using a phone line. Fax-over-IP solutions even offer companies lower bandwidth costs. When a message is sent with FoIP, it is compressed into a digital format, instead of an analog signal. With the information in a digital format, more data can be sent in a smaller package, reducing the amount of bandwidth necessary to send a document.

2) Greater mobility:
FoIP providers like FaxCore offer a fax-to-email service that allows you to send faxes to email and vice versa. Digital copies can be reviewed by third parties to be inspected for errors, and employees can access essential documents from anywhere with an Internet connection.

3) Increased security
Not only are documents kept more secure with a FoIP service, but the reliability of the document itself also increases. FoIP services utilize back-end encryption techniques to ensure the content of encrypted faxed messages is kept secure and private. Faxed documents are stored on an organization's dedicated server, creating an archived database of information to make it easier to meet various industry compliance guidelines. At the same time, faxes are traceable and are legally binding documents, even when sent over the Internet. Emails are vulnerable to security breaches and sending messages through the mail takes much too long.

Companies looking to cut costs, increase the mobility of employees and add security to business communications should implement fax-over-IP solutions and begin communicating in the modern world.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.

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