Make 2015 the year of modern faxing

It's important to make sure that there is fax technology in place that will be able to enable it in modern ways.

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As far as technology goes, there are people who view the fax as outdated in 2014. But as a platform, faxing is still widely-used. Its secure nature allows for sensitive documents to be transmitted between colleagues and business partners alike. The hardware that has traditionally enabled it, however, is far from modern.

There are a couple of options for companies that must have faxing in place but also desire streamlined functionality. Either fax servers can be accessed through IP channels or the cloud. Either method of updating the fax is powerful and effective, but it's likely that the coming year will see an increase in cloud-based faxing as more companies try to find new ways of including the cloud in their daily operations.

"The cloud is evolving to meet the needs of end users and enterprises and infrastructure and services are also transforming as service providers better understand how to meet customer demands efficiently and cost effectively," wrote TMCnet contributor Laura Stotler. "2015 promises to be a standout year for the cloud, with adoption rates expected to rise significantly and with increased usage … offer challenges and milestones."

Modern faxing needs to be considered in 2015. As businesses try to increase productivity and agility, updating fax capabilities will be at the top of the to-do list for a good deal of organizations. Being able to remove legacy fax systems from the equation will help to save time and empower workers to do more.

Present day fax solutions are essential
The fact of the matter is that faxing is still a requirement for millions of professionals. There are legal restrictions that prevent the use of email attachments for sending sensitive documents. On top of it, there are still many workers out there who prefer the fax. As such, there are a great many businesses that have to have this technology in place. But thanks to modern technology, the means through which it can be provided are evolving along with other tools.

"Communication is a two-way street, and that means both parties need to be willing and able to use the same form of communication," wrote TMCnet contributor Mae Kowalke. "Businesses can ill afford to cut fax out of their options, even when they usually use another method. They need to be able to work with partners no matter what those partners choose for communications."

With FoIP or cloud-based fax, it is possible to meet industry regulations while satisfying workers and professionals outside of the company, as well. Faxing has proven time and again to be a powerful and viable asset with little likelihood of falling out of use. It's important to make sure that there is technology in place that will be able to deploy it in modern ways.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.

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