FoIP a logical choice for modern business telecom

Fax solutions are starting to go the way of desktop phones, now residing in software-defined environments.

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There are plenty of new modern telecommunications assets that are bring brought into the business fold. According to TMCnet contributor Matt Paulson, one such tool is VoIP, which routes voice connections over IP channels in order to make phone networks easier to operate and maintain – not to mention leverage alongside other channels to create new experiences.

But voice is not the only analog channel that is getting the digital treatment. In fact, fax solutions are starting to go the way of desktop phones, instead residing in software-defined environments versus siloed endpoints. Rather than continue to fuddle with complicated hardware issues, simply take to the cloud. Not only is it cheaper to take advantage of modern FoIP business solutions, but it can be better suited for daily business operations.

"The benefits of FoIP include reduced cost because transmission happens over the Internet, increased security because encrypted transmission can be used, ease of use since faxes can be sent and received from laptops and smartphones, and added functionality such as optical character recognition and automatic document routing, among other advantages," wrote TMCnet contributor Mae Kowalke.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions."

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