Streamlining technology leads to reduction of clutter

Businesses need to be interested in consolidating and streamlining their technology and related practices.

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Updating office technology is a common initiative among enterprises these days. But how much is enough? There is some concern that modernization is not happening quickly or effectively enough, frustrating many of the staff members involved. But conversely, while many present-day employees are used to leveraging whatever digital solution that they need to in any given moment, there is also a segment of the workforce that can feel left out of the equation if things move too quickly.

"The best-designed businesses balance 'we-centered' with 'me-centered,' so while a company strives to project confidence and progress, it doesn't alienate its employees in the process," wrote Entrepreneur contributor Lana Bortolot. "If you scrap old technology, replace it with something that lets employees know they're an integral part of the system, not left behind in the dust."

One such way that this can be accomplished is through the adoption of cloud fax service solutions, like the kind available through FaxCore. Businesses need to be interested in consolidating and streamlining their technology and related practices. This will not only allow them to obtain a new level of agility, but it will also enable innovation and productivity to grow steadily.

Traditional workplace being redefined
The four walls and cubicles that have been long associated with office spaces are beginning to lose some of their meaning. As technology continues to increasingly go wireless, there is less importance being placed on stationary segmentation and more freedom being allowed – both in and outside of the building commonly perceived to be the base of operations.

"Another change that's been seen recently is addressing growth when a company isn't changing its location – in other words, rethinking existing spaces," wrote Marlin Finance contributor Brian Walsh. "This means desk chairs can now be used as personal and meeting chairs, for example. One major development of this trend is the removal of on-premises storage like desk cabinets in favor of digital options like the cloud."

The modern workplace, despite its inclination towards new technology, is one that still requires many legacy channels. Voice still has plenty of use, and as such the concept around standard telephone calls is being reimagined for a cloud-enabled generation. Another platform that is experiencing this kind of evolution is the fax machine. Rather than allow fax solutions to remain a siloed endpoint, it is being increasingly software-defined so that it may be leveraged alongside other connections like email.

Cutting down on clutter
Fax machines are still an integral part of daily operations for countless companies. But because the way people perceive the workplace is continuing to change, the technology has had to adapt. Filing and organizational systems are increasingly moving to the cloud, causing physical documents to be segmented from the rest of the company's data center. Rather than accept this as a reality, many businesses are turning to new solutions, allowing them to have the functionality that they need without having to deal with aging hardware.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.

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