Paper is on its way out

Going paperless will mean adjusting certain practices to remove the material from the equation altogether. Having cloud-based fax services in place can make all the difference.

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Paper has long proven to be a valuable asset for the human race. It has enabled many tasks to be possible, perhaps the most important of which is the sharing of information. The written word has long been conveyed through the use of paper, but how relevant is this material in today's digital-minded offices? 

Computers and their mobile counterparts have gradually been pushing enterprises away from paper for years. Almost everything is done electronically now. Letters have begotten emails, and the same goes for physical documents and data. Nobody wants to print anything anymore. In fact, according to ITProPortal, a recent study from Cortado found that only 17 percent of companies use mobile printing – an asset that, in theory, is supposed to streamline an "essential" process.

So why not get rid of paper altogether? It seems to cause more clutter and frustration than it's actually worth. There are still some business processes and tools, however, that rely heavily on paper – one of the most important being the fax machine. Faxing is still a mandated practice in many industries that deal with sensitive information. The channel itself is far more secure than sending files through an email attachment, but the hardware commonly associated with it has not aged very well. This doesn't mean, however, that the technology behind it has suffered the same fate. Fax servers are still incredibly useful, but it's time to bring them into the present day.

Use of paper in offices needs to be cut down. Doing so helps to streamline operations and save money simultaneously. In many instances, going paperless will mean adjusting certain practices to remove the material from the equation altogether. For fax machines, having cloud-based fax services in place can make all the difference. Learn how to go paperless with one of our solutions below.

Modern technology optimizes faxing
According to Forbes contributor Kate Harrison, there are a variety of resources available today that can help eliminate paper usage. She specifically points to faxing as a culprit of consumption, but there are things that can be done to prevent this.

"Technology provides a host of smart tools to help your office reduce paper waste," Harrison wrote. "Every step towards a paperless environment will save you time, money, storage space and clutter."

This is what companies have to keep in mind as they adapt their offices for the present day. Paper has become an expendable expense, so to speak. Modern technology has made it (nearly) possible to live without, and as such organizations have to consider ways in which to rid themselves of it. Cloud-based faxing falls into this category. By taking an essential process and updating it for maximum efficiency, businesses can save money and time while increasing productivity amongst their staff. 

Going without fax is not an option, but going without paper is. Cloud fax service is the answer to the question of how to obtain a paperless office.

Enhance enterprise communication, collaboration and compliance efforts with a proven FoIP solution from FaxCore. Contact FaxCore today to learn more about their 'Partly-Cloudy' fax solutions.

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